Sunday, November 25, 2012

Free Gifts

I want you to close your eyes and imagine for just a minute that you have it all - Two cars, a house (maybe even a vacation home) a boat, a house full of nice things, money in the bank, and cabinets full of food. The list goes on and on.....

Now I want you to picture a life with little to nothing - A car that you can barely call reliable. An apartment (for now) that you're a month behind on in rent. A few things here and there that you acquired such as a couch, a table, and a used mattress that sits on the floor. The cabinets are anything but full and you're not sure where your next meal will come from. The kids complain that their feet hurt because their shoes don't fit and the littlest one is crying because the kids made fun of her dirty and torn clothes today at school.

Now in your head, I want you to ask yourself a serious question....You're only asking yourself so there's no one to judge, no one to argue your thoughts, no one to question your honesty - 

Ask yourself:  If you were in the first situation, how much would you give to others? Are they even your problem? I mean, you work hard for what you have - why is it your fault that others have needs? And if you did give, is it anywhere near what you COULD give? Could you spare more?

Take a minute and think about your answer and then ask yourself this question ~ 

What if you were in the second situation? Not of your choice, of course, but some things went wrong somewhere along the way. Maybe you lost your job, made some bad decisions, fell on some hard times, or had some medical issues that set you back. How grateful would you be for the help of others? Or how disheartened would you be to see others who obviously had more than enough just pass you by and get more for themselves?

We have each been blessed with the ability to give - Some of us financially, some spiritually, some physically. Whatever your gift is, GIVE IT. I would hate to think any of us would purposely live a life knowing we could have helped but didn't.

Above all else, try to live a life where everything you do is a reflection of God and continues to provide hope for those who do not yet know Him.....

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