Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hey, that's mine...Give it back!!

I work in an industry where it's all about "saving". What do we need to do to "SAVE" this account? How much money can you "SAVE" me if I stay with you?  And I bet each and every one of you knows exactly what commercial I'm talking about when I say "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!"Yep, one of the many Geico commercials.

As a society, we're pretty focused on 'saving' wouldn't you say? Just about any advertisement or commercial focuses on saving in some way. And when the TV isn't on or we aren't reading a magazine, our friends are always trying to tell us how they saved and what we should do to save. We have coupons, savings accounts, rewards cards, etc. Heck, even in sports one of the most pivotal moments in the game of baseball is when they umpire throws his arms out and yells "SAFE!"

So riddle me this......

In a society where saving and being safe is so important, why don't we do more to help save each other? 

C'mon, don't act like you don't know what I mean. I'm not talking about brushing a spider off your friends shoulder and "literally" saving their life (although a gesture like that is greatly appreciated and I love friends like you who do those type of things, lol) I'm talking about putting yourself out there and helping save someone with your words, your testimony, and your guidance. 

I hear people say a lot "I don't talk about God because that's personal". I used to be one of those people. But what does that really mean? It's like having the key to eternal life and keeping it to yourself. Maybe that's the culprit. Our subconscious desire to 'not share'. I believe it starts at a young age. Little kids snatching and fighting saying "that's mine, give it back!" And that mentality only seems to grow bigger as time goes on and unfortunately we carry it into our adult lives.  

That's mine, give it back!

I was reading today and there was a particular verse in Luke that made me stop and take notice. I remember seeing this same verse over and over again in other areas of the bible but today it really hit me. After Jesus had finished healing a man he said "Go back home and tell people how much God has done for you." He didn't say "Hey, let's keep this on the down low. This is between me and you, ok?" No, he said go tell everyone what God has done. SHARE. Basically he's saying that with your testimony and your faith, you can help others to be saved as well. 

Last weekend I heard a Pastor from Kenya speak and he told story after story about things that God has done for him and how God has used him to help others. When trying to understand why things had happened the way they had, he just laughed and said "I guess God just wants us to have stories to share with others." I mean, isn't that they way most of us learn best? With stories, real life examples, and testimonies. Let's face it, if our salvation was contingent solely on us reading a super long book written thousands of years ago a lot of us would be screwed. God knows that a lot of us are ADD so he gives us stories to learn from instead, lol. 

I will leave you with this thought - Think of a time in your life where someone shared something with you that changed the way you thought or impacted your life in a significant way. Now, understand that each and every one of you has a unique talent and a story to tell that can change the life of someone else. Can you imagine how much impact we would have on this world if we all stepped out of our comfort zone and actually talked about God instead of keeping it to ourselves? At home, at work, at the grocery, out with our friends? 

Please understand that helping others doesn't always mean giving money. It can be as simple as offering a kind word or a smile to a stranger. Or maybe it's offering guidance to someone who is in a place you worked hard to get out of at one point in your life. Bottom line, what has God done for YOU? Tell someone about it, don't keep it to yourself anymore......Be the light for someone else. 


"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a secret place or under a bowl, but on a lamp stand so the people can see. Your eye is a light for the body. When your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light." - Luke 11:33-34

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